has anyone sat in this section before or near it and give me some info ?? good seats ok seats bad seats I know it is on the upper deck on the east side .. I normally sit with freinds in the north end zone.... any help would be great.. THX :helmet: :tigerhead :geauxtige LSU! :lsup: lefire:
I sat there for the Miss St. game. The concession/ bathroom areas are top notch up there. The veiw of the field is pretty good, you're kina corner end zne ish. I was only a couple of rows from the top, so I also had a great view of the river, I-10 bridge, Port Allen, Houston, etc. etc.
thank you I saw the seats from the lsu site. just wanted first hand info.. I am bringing 3 that have never been to BR for a game.... virgins..... we will sacrifice ole miss in their honor.... i have to figure a way to sneak in some beers.... :shock:
Once again, I have an answer. First, pray that it is a cold night. 2nd buy a back brace (the kind people use when lifting heavy stuff) If you find a good one, there will be "pouches" around the out side of it. Fiil the pouches with beer cans/bottles. Then zip your jacket, and walk in without drawing attention top your self.
Here it is. Click on your section. http://www.lsusports.net/src/data/lsu/assets/docs/fb/fbmap/fbimgmap.htm?DB_OEM_ID=5200
Dont forget to fill up a XL LSU cup with about 3 beers in it. I havent had any problems before. I mainly use do Jack and Sprite and they dont say anything as long as you dont tumble through the gates with it.:hihi:
I like it up there, no lines for the bathroom or concessions throughout the game and plenty of TVs if you have to get up. Seems like the seats have a little more room. Dont try to walk up that long ass ramp after a long day of tailgating. The line moves fast for the escalator, it just looks long.:thumb: