Season tickets: How are they distributed?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TigerEducated, Oct 2, 2003.

  1. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

    TAF will play some role, but I'm not really sure HOW they'll be allocated...I'm thinking that it MIGHT be a first come/first serve basis...

    But, instead of getting fortune cookies read to you by the TAF, you can always just call 578-2184 and speak to the LSU Ticket Office and ask them yourself...I'm sure they'll give you a clear, concise answer...

    Unless General Ron took control of their policies, as well...
  2. LSUBud

    LSUBud Founding Member

    Jul 27, 2003
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    I've spoken with Skip about this, and he's not really sure YET. They aren't going to decide who gets the sideline seats that open up (IF ANY) until they see how many seats open up.

    But, he has announced that the FIRST 300 seats that open up will be made available to the ticket holders in the West Stands who are displaced as a result of the construction of the New West Upper. Apparentely (don't ask me how), but 300 seats will be lost in the West Stands (maybe as far as the Upper South, as well) when they build the new West Upper. Those individuals will get first shot at the FIRST seats that open up.

    After that, it depends upon how many other seats open up. Given the period that the current seats holders will be given to "reassign" their seats, Skip told me that he really doesn't anticipate many seats opening up - those that will not renew will either put them in their friends' names or "sell" the rights. There will be people LINING UP to buy the right to get those sideline seats.

    However, to the extent that there are more than 300 seats that open up, Skip is planning some sort of lottery whereby currently season ticket holders will get a shot at some of the seats that open up. AND, the TAF will get a share of those seats as well. Skip just doesn't know how many he will give to the TAF and how many he will let be subject to the lottery. He did say that it would be run in much the same way as the Sugar Bowl ticket distribution. BUT, until he knows how many will open up, he will not announce any "plan" or "percentage" to be given to the TAF.

    Skip WILL publicize whatever plan he comes up with and any "lottery" will be open to public inspection.
  3. LSUBud

    LSUBud Founding Member

    Jul 27, 2003
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    BTW, many of these questions have also been answered in the Q&A portion of the LSUVision page. Here's the Q&A portion:

    Will tickets become available for season ticket holders to upgrade their seats?Will tickets become available for season ticket holders to upgrade their seats?
    This is the first time that LSU has made a major adjustment to its football admission policy, so it is impossible to predict how many season ticket holders will choose not to renew their tickets. This plan was not designed to create a major turnover in season ticket holders. To the contrary, it was designed to keep the price of admission to LSU football games as affordable as possible to existing season ticket holders while giving LSU the financial resources to operate and be able to progress at the very highest level of intercollegiate athletics.

    If tickets do become available, what will be the procedure for distributing those tickets?
    Because it is impossible to know how many tickets will become available and where those tickets will be located, a plan cannot be put into place until those vital factors are determined. Any distribution of recovered seats will be fair and equitable, and like any other distribution of tickets, i.e., bowl game and road game tickets, a portion will be made available to the Tiger Athletic Foundation members and a portion will be made available to non-Tiger Athletic Foundation members. Any method used to distribute recovered seats will be fully publicized in advance, and fully public and fully auditable in its operation.

    You can get the entire Q&A page at:
    LSU Vision Q&A
    The above answers are at the very bottom of the page

    The main page for LSU Vision is at:
    LSU Vision Home Page

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