Looking for a good seafood market or grocery store with a good seafood section. Variety of fresh fish, shrimp, etc. I really like Tony's but I'd like to find something in south BR more in the LSU area. The Wal-Mart and Winn Dixie have terrible selections. Any suggestions?
you could try Maxwell's. They used to have a pretty decent selection. I have not been there in a while though.
There is a place on Airline near the Jefferson/Siegen intersection area that I just noticed open. I'm either not very observant and it's been there for a while or it's new. I think it is actually called Seafood Market. I haven't been yet but it might be worth a shot.
Yeah, Whole Foods and Maxwell's fall into that "gourmet" grocery store category that tend to have ridiculous mark ups. Was thinking more of the no frills seafood market type. I'll have to check out City Cafe and Seafood Market. Thanks.
Whatever happened to the guys who sold shrimp from pickup trucks on the side of the road? They were always cheaper than the seafood markets or stores
Thats because they are floating in ice water, water gets between the shells and the meat and you end up buying some water along with the shrimp! My father-in-law is in the seafood business and tells me thats the oldest trick in the book. I'm saying all do that but some do: CAVEAT EMPTOR