Just read Sotomayor and Kagan’s comments from yesterday. Review them yourself. Just about every decision they prefer government intervention over private liberty.
It's very validly within their rightful powers to "prefer government intervention over private liberty" in a case such as this. But where did they invent facts, as you accused? Quote that. And, by the way, isn't it convenient for rightwingers to assert that the Constitution doesn't insure any "right to privacy" (note: it does) for abortion cases, but now scream privacy in this one?
even politifact says her statements were false: NEW: Justice Sonia Sotomayor said during oral arguments today that “we have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, and many on ventilators” due to the coronavirus. That's False. bit.ly/3f2EQye
Why is she worried about children? She votes to kill them in the womb especially black children because most killing clinics are positioned near black neighborhoods or ghettos. There is nothing what so ever supreme about Sotomayor or Kagan. They have no regard for the constitution which is why DEMOCRATS wanted them placed on the SCOTUS.
There is a huge difference between the ability to flat out murder a child vs the government telling you that you MUST inject a potion into your body that hasn't been tested or researched fully, that doesn't work and that has proven to be extremely harmful, 100x more than any other vaccine, in fact more dangerous than many or all of them combined. Yeah no thanks.
She shouldn't have said that. I don't like false arguments. But false statements by Democrats are scarce compared to Republicans, wherein lying is a revered principle.
Our government has never said that to anyone, and you don't have the slightest idea, do you, of what this Supreme Court case is all about.
“Freedom hangs in the balance” and y’all damning the SCOTUSs part in it. Don’t worry, another 4 years with tRump and they will be sidelined. Only 1 person will make all decisions. Man, you guys are something.