I've never been to an LSU game where the scoreboard was so off and helter skelter the whole game. Was I the only one who noticed this?
heh.. guess everything needs to be aomplained about... kidding... I noticed it as well. They would not update the down and distance until the teams were about to snap the ball. Maybe its new equipment in the new press box.. or a new perosn doing it.. or both? btw, it was hard to make out an actual press box... it very much blended in..
inside source says pelini was given responsibility of the scoreboard the first half. unfortunately he figured it out by the 2nd half kickoff.
Several people around me noticed but the game was so horrific that it really didn't matter much. Maybe if we would have won 42-10 like we should have I would care more.
Did anyone notice that TENN was awarded the first touchdown of the game on the South EndZone but not on the North EndZone. I would think both would be controlled by the same guy.
How about the 'information' ribbon on the facing of the upper decks? I thought that it would give some worthwhile information like stats, etc. Basically it is a glorified billboard with the only thing appearing on it the entire game being advertisements and game sponsors. So far it gets a thumb down.
The scoreboard has glitches but that should have been worked out before now. The other stuff was a waste of pretty lights.
They have to pay for it somehow. In about ten years, when they are paid for, they will put some usefull info up there. Until then, buy Cox cable.