I'm surprised this story hasn't been picked up by the media, but SC's running backs coach Todd McNair has a history of dog fighting and been twice convicted of creulty to animals. Its such a shame to see a nice kid like McNight get involved with SC- first he's lying to protect PC and now he's getting coached by a guy who gets off on seeing dogs kill each other. Maybe, when Vick gets out of prison, he can find a job as the QB coach at SC.
http://www.latimes.com/sports/colle...519.story?coll=la-headlines-sports-coll_footb Maybe because it was 14 years ago and he wa never charged?
He was charged, paid a fine and did community service. And you're right, it was 14 years ago. Last time I checked once a person pays their debt, they're still allowed to get a job. bitter, the media (ESPN to be exact) did a story on it specifically. I know you were tuned in to NBC but to say the media didn't pick the story up is just not true. And it was brought up on this forum 2x already. How's Jimmy doing on that pursuit for 4 NC rings?
Thanks for the link. What a douche bag. I cannot believe a California school is gonna keep this kind of guy around.
Well, I tried searching for it on ESPN.com but couldn't find that story even though ESPN is always touting SC so much. I'm curious, but would you feel comfortable sending your son or daughter to be coached by a person who had molested a child 14 years ago or committed rape 14 years ago? Once they paid their debt to society, you have no problem if they got as a coach at SC? Like I said, once Vick gets out, I'm sure SC would welcome him with open arms. Football coaches are not only supposed to win but they're supposed to help their players into becoming responsible, young men. Its not a big surprise that McNair is also connected to the Reggie Bush housing scandal as well.
I'm starting to understand Domer reasoning now: Mistreating animals = to molesting children; as Notre Dame = deserving of BCS bowls.......I'm feelin ya now bro. :hihi:
COramprat, before I post any further in the forum, I must tell you all........I have gotten a few speeding tickets, and was hauled in to the police station twice for disturbing the peace by fighting. It was in the 80's though, and no charges ever filed......will you all allow me to continue to be a member here?? :hihi:
Well we will have to have a trial...who wants to be judge? I've seen the wrong side of the Livingston Parish Prison...this hardened criminal forgot to pay a speeding ticket and was lead in handcuffs out of the Livingston Parish Courthouse.