Anyone can recommend a system and package to get the usual local/espn channels and how exactly set it up to work during the game... Thanks, Rex
If you are looking for a turn key type thing look at the products they sell for RV's or boats. A cheaper and easier fix is to get a dish that is already mounted on a pole and use an existing receiver that's activated. You can pretty much set these up anywhere you have an unobstructed view of the southeastern sky. Just make sure the pole is plum and move the dish right and left and you will pick up either direct or dish's signal. Its pretty easy to do actually.
Agreed. Get a friend who has an account already, go to a pawn shop, get a dish and get a tripod, mount the dish on the tripod and hookup your pawn shop receiver. Then get him to authorize the box and card and you're good to go. I just authorize one each season for the entire length of the season and you're good to go. Kill it after the season. :thumb: