Sapling's job destruction machine continues to grind

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tom, Jan 10, 2003.

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  1. diehardLSUfan

    diehardLSUfan Founding Member

    Tom you really are a nut. By the way I know how important the stock market is to the economy, that wasn't my point. You're so full of your own shit though it's hard for you to pick some things up. According to your logic, I'm the expert at anything I invest in. I'm the expert at football because I go to all the home football games. So in essence, I should start criticizing all the coaches and the Athletic department and when somebody on here comes to me with a different opinion I should call them idiots because after all, I am the expert at football. I guess that would make you the expert at pyramid schemes since you do that for a living, huh?
  2. Tom

    Tom Founding Member

    As usual, you have verbal diarrhea trying to "make one point" if that. First, you LIE as usual. I don't claim to be an expert at pyramid schemes, because I'm not involved with one. Ooooppppsss, caught in another LIE on your part, huh? Second, if you attempted to read my message (and obviously failed to grasp the meaning), it doesn't make one an expert to just be involved in something, but you have to be successful at it. That is why I mentioned having made "TONS of money" in the stock market. If you LOSE tons of money in the stock market, that does NOT make you an expert. See, another little cause and effect deal. Spooky, isn't it, how logic actually can explain things? And yes, if you attend a lot of football games AND you perform analysis MANY TIMES that turns out to be true, then you are an expert on LSU football for example.
  3. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Tom is on my ignore list and I did not read his posts, but...I disagree.
  4. Tom

    Tom Founding Member

    Good, another admission of a minor leaguer who couldn't hit major league pitching

    Better stay in single-A ball, because you don't understand the issues enough to discuss them.
  5. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    I hear you knocking but you can't come in.
  6. Tom

    Tom Founding Member

    Guy, I don't want to come in

    I want you to stay as irrelevant to the board as you have always been. You indeed are a piece of trash that needs to be washed down the sewer. Fortunately, you dove it yourself, LOSER! Learn to hit single A ball pitching and maybe you can rejoin the majors some day.
  7. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Will someone answer that damn door?!
  8. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Here's why Tom leads the league in being on the "ignore" list:

    It's a slow day on the board and the Raiders are making a mockery of the football game so I thought I'd pass the time by reading his last few ignored posts. The following are taken verbatim from Tom's posts. This is how he debates intelligently by referring to rival posters as:

    "Incompetent buffoon"
    "Putrid Days"
    "Piece of Trash"
    "You have verbal diarrhea"

    It's nice to have the option to ignore him. More of you ought to take advantage.
  9. Tom

    Tom Founding Member

    Saban Fan once again misrepresents

    Hey guy, I notice you didn't mind being a hypocrite and saying you weren't going to read my posts and then continuing to do so. Also, you take a FEW phrases out of MANY and try to scam the board into believing the entire messages are full of them. Anyway, if you have trouble with the IGNORE feature, I'm sure someone can help you use it in the way you CLAIM you were going to use it.
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