Sapling's job destruction machine continues to grind

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tom, Jan 10, 2003.

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  1. Tom

    Tom Founding Member

    Sep 24, 2002
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    Sapling is stil outdoing himself as he continues to UNINSPIRE the economy is this country. The newest job creation, or in Sapling's case job destruction, report just came out and Sapling's "leadership" has once again cost Americans jobs. This time, it was 100,000+ lost lobs as Sapling's gross fiscal incompetence and lack of understanding of problems and their appropriate solutions continues to exhibit itself. Geez, and I thought surely that we would see some "trickle down" effect from that windfall giveaway to the upper 1% of taxpayers last year and the year before. Hmmm, looks like Sapling's foreign policy fiascos are only exceeded by his domestic policy failures, huh?
  2. LSUMJ

    LSUMJ Founding Member

    Nov 5, 2002
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    yes thats the reason for job loss. not the over relaince on tech stocks/firms of the 90's, nor the loss of mfg jobs to cheaper labor.
  3. JD

    JD Founding Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    Yes those are many of the reasons, but trickle down is supposed to be a huge job creating machine in its own right as well as a wealth creating machine for the lower middle class. Where is it?
  4. miketiger

    miketiger Founding Member

    Oct 14, 2002
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    Those pathetic little tax cuts were just fraction of what is needed. To attack our economy when compared to Germany, France, England, Japan, just to name a few is joke. We are light years ahead of these socialist societys. In a dynamic economy it is always inevitable that job losses take place in relation to the demands or lack of in the economy. America sheds it's obsolete industries rather than proping them up to the detrement of the economy in the long run. Short term may be painful but necessary. You cannot tax yourself out of a recession. It is possible to stimulate the economy with tax cuts and tax reform. There is nothing more ineffecent than sending $1.00 to Washington and getting back 39 cents!
  5. diehardLSUfan

    diehardLSUfan Founding Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    Tom I think you need to take a macro economics course and actually know what the hell you're talking about, b/c you obviously don't. Somebody hit the nail on the head a few posts back. The reason why we grew so quickly in the 90's was b/c of technological boom with computers and networking. You probably think the reason why our economy was so good was b/c of blowjob boy right? The president really has very little to do with our economy. Consumer confidence is at an all time low right now so people are saving instead of spending. This is all due to the World Com/Enron debacle as well as dicking around with Iraq instead of just going in and doing the damn thing. All of these things will make a demand curve shift to the left. I guess you don't know what the hell I'm talking about though, b/c once again, you obviously don't understand economics.
  6. Tom

    Tom Founding Member

    Sep 24, 2002
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    Phil Gramm, is that you???

    Hmmm, and you told this about obsolete industries to Sapling, right? Remember, HE was the one against protestations from MOST of the country including his own economic advisors who put up a protectionist steel tariff WHEN he had the option to let it go without incident.

    Now, Phil, thanks for joining the board. I remember Philly saying MANY times including MULTIPLE times on Crossfire that you cannot raise taxes and spur economic growth. WWWWWRRRRROOOONNNNNGGGG, Philly. IF you show the markets that you are bright enough to move a budget towards balance as Clinton clearly demonstrated, interest rates fall EVEN during increased economic activity which puts more money in most peoples' pockets. BTW, Philly also predicted a "DEPRESSION" if the Clinton Budget passed in 1993. Well, it did, and the US went on the largest and longest economic growth in US history. You and Phil should teach economics in North Korea if you really wish that country to go away. You guys could bankrupt it in a couple of years.
  7. Tom

    Tom Founding Member

    Sep 24, 2002
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    Guy, I have forgotten more about credible economic theories than you have ever TRIED to learn. I have made TONS of money in the stock market, because I wait for suckers like you to come along and sell me a stock when it's cheap or buy a stock from me when it is overpriced. And yes, I KNOW that Clinton was directly responsible for the economic growth, because the economy was going NOWHERE under the elder Bush. When Clinton REWARDED companies to become more efficient via increased investment in new plants, technologies, industries, etc. that is what caused the turnaround. That, in addition to reduced interest rates which gave people more money to spend even in expanding economic times, kept the job machine going. You add 250,000 NEW NET jobs per month average during each month of an 8 year term, and that is where economic growth comes from. On the contrary, you have a CLUELESS former alcoholic and drug addict giving business NO CONFIDENCE in his ridiculous policies of squandering fiscal responsibility handed over to him by Clinton, and that helps explain the loss of 69,000 jobs PER MONTH averaged over his term so far. Once again, I have explained more about economic theory than you did in your message -- but you are good at one thing I will admit....MAKING RIDICULOUS EXPENSES for a pathetic excuse for a "leader" in Sapling. He is a 15 watt bulb trying to do a 100 watt job. BTW, IF you sat in a class for Economics 101, retake the class and sit at the FRONT of the class next time.
  8. Tuwho?

    Tuwho? Banned Forever

    Dec 29, 2001
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    ROFLMAO--now that my boy is a post! LOL LOL This may be a new direction for a Tom post! Or maybe I just haven't really read his stuff before but damn this is one funny ass post!

    And I am not picking sides on either side of this debate but I have to say that this just may be a TOM CLASSIC!
  9. diehardLSUfan

    diehardLSUfan Founding Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    Tom, once again, you need to learn a little about economics. So you invest in the stock market and that makes you an expert? Whooo big man. Dude, please get a clue.
  10. Tom

    Tom Founding Member

    Sep 24, 2002
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    Ever hear of free enterprise or supply and demand?

    Actually, the US stock market is the trueest example of supply(ask price) and demand(bid price) in the world. Only when it was corrupted by conflicts of interest(accounting numbers being influenced by consulting fees) and corporate welfare(options voted on the BOD themselves and kept OFF the accounting books) did it get corrupted. And THOSE corruptions were due to Newtie Gingrich and his "we are going to turn private enterprise loose in this country" when the elephant men took over Congress in 1995. So yes, quoting detailed information and showing cause and effect DOES make me an expert. That, along with making accurate judgments over what is underpriced and what is overpriced in the stock market. Thus, in this exchange I have given specific cause and effect relationships while you have done, hmmmm, exactly what have you done other to throw the standard GOP smoke grenade into the debate. Guy, you and the other elephant men on this board better go to a REAL ammo site, because so far on this board, you are shooting verbal "blanks".
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