and Ramsey Clark must be an idiot! Actually, if you ask me, Saddam didn't need a trial and should've been hanged a long time ago. I do understand they did it to show the Iraqis how the justice system works. Saddam should've went out in a blaze of glory like his sons but because he turned out to be a coward he will be hanged!
Whoever found him in that bunker shoulda shot his ass and saved the money and time of a trial. That piece of .... doesn't deserve to enjoy my oxygen...
Naaaa, too private to be shot in his spider hole. The Iraqis will hang him publicly. We can all watch it on CNN!
It gets worse, someone tried telling me yesterday that the republicans can control hurricanes. This guy even told me that we have the technology to turn hurricanes. He said he predicted before hurricane season this year that no major storm would touch the US. My question to him was "So do democrats control tornado's or earthquakes?" no comment... lol
Nope, too dangerous. This could spark a major Iraqi violence spree from the Sunnis for the networks to interspace with election coverage. Iraq is not the topic that the GOP wants on voters minds this week.
If you wear your aluminum foil helmet, you can prevent a lunatic's mind control from getting through to you.
Intersperse? :yelwink2: GOP's not afraid of Iraq coverage. It's the Dems that need to be concerned about pissing off the red state voters. Harp too much on the war (negatively) and it'll blow up in their faces.
Intersperse v. -- To distribute among other things at intervals. Interspace v. -- To occupy or fill the space between. Take your pick! I'm putting on my aluminum foil helmet . . .