i get that, but i think in this stage in his career, he's mailing in recruiting. mediocrity (7-5, 8-4) and bowl appearances would be fine in gamecock land but would only fly so long around here. plus he's much better at being the bad guy.
We all know that Nick can be bought. If Bama lays down enough cash, he'll take it . . . who wouldn't. But it would be an insane amount of cash for the college game. Nick has guaranteed NFL money for a few more years and he hasn't achieved his goals there yet. The college game will always be there for Nick if he wants it, he's not exactly desperate for a job. Nick courted offers in every season he was at LSU, mostly through Jimmy Sexton. It's their style. It helped to get Nick the highest paid college coach job in the country. It's going help Miami think that they better keep this guy around a while. He's definitely Bama's first choice, to the point that they may lose Rodriguez over it. Seems like Bama doesn't want to take no for an answer and are making a final effort to convince Saban to walk from a $25 million contract with the Fins. Money may make it happen, but I think its a bad fit for both parties. Nick is a control freak who will likely not be given complete control of the football operations at Bama like he was given at LSU and Miami. He wouldn't last long there before Sexton finds him an even better job offer in the NFL or somewhere. Bama badly needs someone who will stick around for a decade or so. Nick moves on regularly. Nick doesn't need a step backwards, he'd like to beat Spurrier's sorry record in the NFL first. And Bama doesn't need another Francione-like short tenured coach with happy feet.
I disagree, Spurrier isnt the walk through the motions kind of a coach. He is very competitive, as well as egotistical. He knows his legacy is a stake in some ways. He wants to turn South Carolina around. Their recruiting is slowly getting better with him at the helm. Also, South Carolina isnt a house hold name. You wont recruit at South Carolina like you can at Florida. Where the name alone will attract interest from the elite players.
What I heard was Bama offered Spurrier anything he wanted which included the AD job after he was done coaching....... So money may not be an object but I still dont see Saban going to Bama.