Saban now being called one of sports great liars and compared with the likes of Pete Rose and a host of others. What a P.R. nightmare....should have given a little more thought to how he was going to deal with the situation.
Great link. As usual, I'm a little slow on the uptake, so it's just now occurring to me that Saban has ZERO margin of error with this move. If he's not winning 10 games by next year, the rumblings will start...but he's a big boy, he can take care of himself. LSU!
Thing is, he can't unring the bell in terms of the current uproar and effect that this seems to have taken on his the blink of an eye he seems to have alienated much of the press, contemporaries, peers and many SEC fans none the least of which were once loyal Saban LSU fans. Financially it may have been worthwhile but at what cost to his overall reputation.
Along the same lines, good article in today's Washington Post by Michael Wilbon: I sure hope this whole deal blows up for Bama! :geauxtige