Hmmmmmmm. His schtick is gettin old already.
Kids transfer every year, especially under a new coach . . . especially under an abrasive coach. More than one left LSU in Nick's first year, but retention after that was very high, leaving Les with only 12 scholarships to give in 2005. Most stay because Nick is also an effective coach. Nick will turnover 2 or 3 assistant coaches every year, too. It's his style. There are no dissenters on a Nick Saban team, but there is no dead wood either.
Barnes was looking at being on the 3rd team, at best, and then facing QB's coming in when the fall season hits. Quite frankly, and the last staff said this more than once, if JPW did get hurt during the '06 season McElroy would have been pushed into the starting role immediately. FWIW, I've been very, very high on McElroy since he arrived at Alabama...while he does lack the playing time that JPW has had over the last few years there isn't much difference in their talent levels. True, especially when they look at the depth chart and consider how soon it'll be before they see the field. Barnes hasn't had the best "string of luck" since he's been in Alabama...started off by being greatly out of shape due to a battle with Mono and then you add the knee injury to that...he's missed a lot of work. Steve "never let facts get in the way of a story" Irvine is known for taking a story and trying to add fuel and make it a fire...believe you me, there isn't anything to see here. He was guilty of virtually the same type of story last year with MG, but wasn't as far off base with his story then as he is now.
is it hard to believe that saban yells at people a lot and sometimes in a degrading way, and that some people cant take it?
i like how the only support the reporter can get for saban is two players saying that saban emphasizes respect. but you know that just means respect me by doing what i say and respect your teammates by doing what i say. sure as hell doesnt mean "i'll respect you by never calling you a p#ssy".