If we do nothing else. Ever. Please get this right! The expression, with implied meaning is, “I could not care less,” If you could care less it means there are things that you care less about, implying what you said is something you care about. If you could not care less the meaning is that this issue is at the absolute lowest level of your “cares.” In other words, you really don’t care. Carry on!
Wow what a twisting tortuous path to tell me basically nothing Captain Obvious. I am not here to recieve lessons in english composition anymore than I am worried about being political correct. You and everyone else knows what I mean. But if it makes you feel smarter than me OK Captain; "I really don't care"
Oh George Will well that does it its now time to impeach Trump. A lot of slick salesmen and slick politicians have mastered the english language yet are phony empty suits who talk us out of our money and accomplish nothing worth while for this country. Hey Ice Cream "I could care less" if Trump is not a slick speaker like the Clintons and Obama. What the fuck did that get us?