What sort of help? Did Putin put a few million people on the ground here and tell them to vote Trump? Not a single one of you cry babies have explained to me how Putin helped him win
Blaming the Russians is another brick in the no personal accountability wall. It's pretty much what the progressives worship. But, perhaps the real culprit is us. Legions of people too stupid to do other than get their news from social media. Stupid people not realizing that social media is not edited, not filtered, not nothing, just garbage. It remains vexing that so many people allegedly take what is on there as Gospel. And factual. If we (Americans) were smarter, and not smart, just smarter, the "Russian Threat" would evaporate since no one would consider their crap. I guess that is not the case.
They were smart enough to not elect a murderer and an outright snake. Love him or hate him he is better, a lightyear better than she
Barely, but we were. I have said that more than you have. I am forever pissed at the Dems for not running anyone other than the beast!
Then wtf is the problem? We right of center hated Obama, couldn't stand him but he didn't face a fraction of this bullshit and if anyone thinks he did they are insane. It's high time the left lick their wounds and let it go
THIS MORNING?? lol. How bout this YEAR, AND last? What about all the shit Hildabeast did? Paying for Dossier? The shit they did to screw Bernie, etc.
I've been waiting 50 years for a sign they were at least going to attempt to get their tongue moist. Give it up. IT AIN'T GUNNA HAPPEN
whataboutism goes nowhere. If the bitch won the election, the Republican controlled congress would have all kinds of investigations going on. That is just the way it is. Win and fight like hell to keep your job in Washington. No one leaves Washington with their shit smelling clean.