Because not a person can confirm it was the Russian "government". Answer me this, do you think no US hacker has ever hacked a foreign computer/system of their own accord? Is that an act of war? Trump has openly stated how "he" would deal with international relations. He very clearly stated that deals/talks would not be public. There is absolutely nothing to gain form blaming the Russian government of this. Nothing. Here is what evidence looks like. This is from China hacks. Where is the evidence? Where? Lastly, it isn't surprising that those who use fuzzy math would use fuzzy evidence.
The liberal mindset has done more to harm human rights that water boarding ever has. Every day you guys raise a liberal child is a day we should morn.
I am not a TRUMP supporter. If the Russians hacked the DNC and Podesta, that is one thing. Influencing elections is another. See, I just don't "get" the influence. Was it the hack, or the content of the emails. Actually, I can't imagine that anyone would have changed their opinion of either Hillary or Trump based on the hacks/leaks, so .. in the end, I don't see how the emails, either hacked or leaked make any difference. As far as retaliation, I don't know. I would say it is not a given, but I have no idea about the options.
Like @shane0911 , @LSUpride123 and so many others I'm glad the hacks revealed the complete moral disaster that was the DNC and HRC. Likewise it's a hack of a 'private' organization not the US government. However this is obviously Russia trying to destabilize our country. This isn't some crazy loner on a hacking binge or a 'good government ' fool. We can't forget that Putin is KGB trained and hates the west in general and us specifically. He wants to weaken the west (NATO & the US) so he can return the former Soviet empire to its old borders and place in the world. He is practiced in agitprop and has used/is using it in , Georgia (when W was pres), Crimea, the Ukraine and Syria. He has Obama's measure and knows he's weak. He's rolled over Obama in Syria, Ukraine and with Iran. Each time he has tried something and met with weak or no resistance he's gotten bolder. This will continue until he's pushed back on hard enough....and NO sanctions won't do it. Someone needs to put him in check. Is Trump up to it? Does he even know it's needed? I don't know. I do believe another 4 years of American weakness vis-a-vis Russia and we will be in deep trouble. So don't belittle what just happened because HRC got hers. She was but a foil in Putin's efforts to subvert our position in the West and world.
The geo political finger points to the collusion of us and the sauds driving the price of oil down to hurt the ruskies
More likely the Saudis were/are doing that to punish Iran. There is much greater incentive there for that.