i Phony outrage doesn't become you. Go get a hug from your fellow losers. And always live by the proverb: If thy anus fails to be covered, thine enemies will surely steal thy shit, any thy shalt be rendered as dumb as the jawbone of an ass.
Can't we just all accept the fact that Hillary of Cuntville was the worst presidential candidate ever. You should have held a fair primary instead of gaming the system to make sure she was your choice.
The phony outrage would coming from the republicans had Hillary won and this stuff had taken place. You'd all be screaming that she was a Russian operative. No one thinks Trump is, we just think he is a greedy fuck in it for the money for his buddies and the power and to stroke his ego.
If Trump had lost there would be no reason to whine about the Demo server being hacked. If the wretched cunt had won she would be in effect a Russian operative. As well as an operative for any country willing to pay her to do their bidding. And Trump might be a greedy fuck but he just might really want to make America great again. Go outside @LaSalleAve Take a deep breath. Recognize that smell. That invigorating smell like a new day beginning after a morning rain has washed away the stench of days past. It's the smell of America becoming great again.
Never thought I'd see the day that Americans would argue that Russia hacking into our political parties and trying to influence the election is no big deal. We can't even have a discussion because you guys say things like, "we won, get over it" and "hillary was the worst candidate ever" I doubt anyone can deny those things but they don't matter. Then comes "we don't know it happened" and other statements undermining the intelligence community. Obama said it best recently when talking about the current political climate. He said that in the past, we would acknowledge a problem and while each side had a different way to fight the problem, we would debate it and come up with action. Today, we can't come to an agreement on facts. Whether it's disinformation or hyperpartisanship, we can't even begin conversation on what to do about a problem. And while I never voted for Obama, I'll get shit for acknowledging Obama is right about something. To most of you,it's a mortal sin to agree with him or any other Democrat. You all have closed your ears to them and have lost perspective in your echo chamber. The most ignorant thing I see is when some say that Obama and or hillary are trying to destroy our country. You may not agree with them, but that is the height of stupidity. If you actually believe that, you are hopeless and a complete idiot.
http://www.defenseone.com/threats/2016/12/did-russia-hack-rnc-too-heres-what-we-know-so-far/133873/ http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/09/us/obama-russia-election-hack.html?_r=0 https://www.theatlantic.com/politic...stions-about-russias-election-hacking/510305/ Look, you are posting articles where Reince Priebus and members of Trump's team claim that the RNC wasn't hacked but the CIA and other intelligence agencies say otherwise. I'll choose to put my money on the intelligence officials who are investigating the attacks. Further, I find it humorous that you say this isn't a pseudo news organization and turn right around and cite the daily caller and breitbart. That's awesome.
I assure you there is nothing phony about my outrage and the fact that you think this is about winning or losing the election tells me everything I need to know about your perspective: you don't care how....or who had to get involved to make it so.....you were and are willing to compromise our national security to ensure you get your guy in the WH. I've stated several times that Trump won the election by the only metric that matters....the electoral college. That said, it doesn't excuse the fact that a foreign government....an enemy...influenced our elections. But you could care less.......