Rumor: Kuale might be out for the year

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by marcnbc, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. USNavyTiger

    USNavyTiger Founding Member

    :::finger point at me:::


    youre more likely to have injuries in this kind of practicing, where as, with saban it was less likely because it wasnt this much contact going on.

    Common sense. :thumb:
  2. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    drudgereport is claiming clinton had prior knowledge to this practice injury as well. damn dems didnt do nuttin as usual.

    its also true they would sustain less injuries if they quit practicing altogether and just gave each other handjobs in the whirlpool instead.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Well, losing a starter per week in fall practice is a little disturbing. Especially at linebacker where we are definitely not deep.
  4. Tigerskin

    Tigerskin Founding Member

  5. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    my corporate tunnel has been acting up come to think of it.
  6. USNavyTiger

    USNavyTiger Founding Member

  7. ScottyB28

    ScottyB28 Founding Member

    EJ was the best linebacker on the team. My buddy told me he has been outstanding at practice. Lets hope for the best.
  8. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be


    I say keep pounding them Coach. I want a bunch of killers out there looking to send someone home in a pine box. The strong will maintain and weak will fall by the way side. I'm sick of these slow start seasons where the team doesn't look like a team until game three. In the Corps we have a saying, you train like your going to fight. The more you bleed in peace time, the less you bleed in war. Football isn't war but it shares some of the same great qualities. Give em' hell Coach! Rest assured, when our boys take to the field on Sep 3rd, they will be properly prepared and ready to play.
  9. tiger fan 2001

    tiger fan 2001 Founding Member

    That is my thinking also. And to add on Highsmith will do fine but Kuale was the starter for a reason and loosing AB and EJK can't be as simple as one goes down so you just pull in another. We also now start pulling from deeper in the rotation when switching players in and out.

    The sky is not falling but it's also not replacement in kind. IT's not LM fault or anything like that but it is a bummer.
  10. USNavyTiger

    USNavyTiger Founding Member

    Something tells me this team is going to be wanting blood from these teams they are playing...

    Them Dedicating this season to EJ and AB, and if their hearts and heads are in the right place, I honestly don't see this team losing a single game.

    These guys are going to "get after some people" in a mighty big way...

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