This was paid for by someone not related to the Paul campaign, to clarify. An interested citizen paid for this.
since we're posting full page political ads in here now...i'll offer this as a counterbalance. note, i don't agree with everything she says, but some of this resonates as the truth.
Nice hit piece. People don't take Paul serious because he dares to buck the status quo. Fox news would be proud. I wish people in general weren't so smug and set in their ways.
The whole article you posted is without any merit. I'll go ahead and debunk the first paragraph with words from RP's mouth on Scooter Libby: Go post your propaganda somewhere else.
Ok let me hit on your #2 real quick. Ron Paul is not an isolationist. He has corrected many people in interviews numerous times on this.
Response to Mona Charen's article from Ron Paul's staff. Ron Paul is nearing 9 million and has been named a GQ man of the year.
Imagine that, a member of Paul's staff is going to write an editorial letter in response to that article. We didn't see that one coming. Good for him on GQ man of the year. Too bad that's about the only contest he'll win. That's a bit unfair, don't you think? All you Paul fans have done is shove that crap down our throats. So somebody else isn't allowed to post something in contrast to what you've posted? I don't think Ron Paul would approve, since he's so big on civil liberties and whatnot...:nope:
That's what I like about you. You've got foresight. Nice, substantive rebuke. He's a man of the year, not the man of the year. I just don't understand the attitude, though, that when someone comes up with a message that isn't in line with the mainstream they are labeled a weirdo. Do you think we are headed in the right direction? I think almost all candidates take the position that we aren't. But of all candidates, which are campaigning to do something different? All the guys and gals careful to not rock the boat propose mere incremental change that will keep us basically on the same path. People in the past that proposed supposedly "radical" ideas that wound up to be true were all labeled kooks by conventional thinkers that couldn't see outside the box. The world is changed by these "radicals," even while dragging these narrow-minded naysayers along. I believe you are doing yourself and your country a disservice with such knee-jerk group-think opinions. LOL, you're a little more condescending IMO, but I actually appreciate you putting your two cents in if it is genuine... To some degree, even if it isn't genuine. I guess we've both kind of drawn lines in the sand and have chosen our sides, but I really want to try to be open to honest criticism of what I believe is right. There is so much I don't know. Do you back a candidate? I see some folks freely bashing Paul, but I believe he stands up pretty well when compared to other candidates in all ways except name recognition, though he is gaining in that department as well.