I hope you are right, but weren't they saying the same thing about Miles? I think I'll wait until he makes the announcement.
I think if Rodriguez has actually announced at a team meeting with his players that he was leaving, then it is a better chance at being right than Miles' report. The only thing is I can see him in a few days withdrawing his decision.
Saw this reported on ESPN News a few minutes ago. IMO, it's not official until he is introduced at a press conference.... :crystal: :geaux: :crystal: :geaux: :crystal:
Here's the UM release if it makes you feel better. http://www.mgoblue.com/football/article.aspx?id=103250
Re: Rodriguez to Michigan- It's almost official (Detroit Free Press and Detroit News) From this afternoon’s Detroit Free Press ---- The Link: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071216/SPORTS06/71216021 ************************************************ From the Detroit News ------- The Link: http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071216/UPDATE/712160343
Further, and for what it's worth: allow me to apologize on behalf of the unfortunately large section of our fan base who'd persisted with the "Miles to Michigan" claims throughout all the clear dismissals and denials over the last few weeks. That had to be a serious pain, and I'd be beyond ticked about it had our situations been reversed. And now, onward and upward -- best of luck in the title game.
In that first article posted it said he wont even coach the bowl game against Oklahoma. I know one thing Michigan's basketball and football teams are going to love is the top prospect in the country has now put Michigan on his short list T.Pryor.