I would rather wipe my ass with poison ivy before I would with USA Today or any major newspaper. Small wonder why they give that rag away free at hotels.
Thanks for posting In the old days we had to rely on the press to bring us the story. They were our eyes and ears. We trusted them and took what they said as gospel. Now we have the internet, social media, cell phone cameras, etc. and can generally see for ourselves. There is no way this reporter could have watched the trial and written this piece without promoting a specific agenda and being ignorant of the facts. Everyone sees things a little differently depending on your perspective. This goes way beyond that. This is why trust in the media is gone. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opin...g-his-trial-dont-fooled-his-tears/6373345001/
This photo of Rittenhouse posing with two Proud Boys after he killed two people shows me that he illegally acquired his AR-15 not for possible protection but for glory. The danger in his acquittal is that many more creeps will think they can play god with their gun fetishes and never have to face prison time. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/image...7d101c17e4312993344cc9a5463bf858fd501c699.jpg
so you think rittenhouse was not justified to kill the child rapist? the child rapist said he would fucking kill him and was chasing him and grabbing his weapon. the other guy grosskreutz was literally aiming a pistol at his head. surely you think you dont have to wait for a guy aiming a pistol at your face to pull the trigger before shooting him? wait until you are dead to defend yourself? its really pretty incredible how political partisanship dictates opinions to poeple.
Actually, they just don't possess the ability to look at a situation, evaluate what evidence is there and formulate an opinion. They instead just allow morons like don lemon to do the thinking for them. I don't really think Rex is dumb, he just says dumb shit that someone else told him.