I'm sure all of you have witnessed the ongoing feud between myself and Proud Tiger, if you do not frequent the WEN board then you should know, we have carried it there also. PT was the bigger man and offered a truce, and I accepted. His proposal was to stay off each others boards, my proposal was to continue to post on each others boards, but too stay away from the inflammatory threads and if we are flamed by anyone we simply will not respond. We agreed to my proposal. The rest is up to you guys and gals, but we are giving each other another chance. :thumb:
Ah, I'm getting all verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic: The Great Depression was neither great nor a depression. Discuss.
Shoot, I was hoping for a rasslin style "loser leave town" match. The loser could then wear a mask and sign on under an assumed user name, then rekindle the feud. What about a winner shaves the loser's head kind of thing?
I remember years ago when the "Junk Yard Dog" lost a loser leave town match and the very next week a masked wrestler named "Stagger Lee" showed up. Looked and sounded just like the JYD - but you know it couldn't have been him! :hihi:
That was the same one I was thinking about. The good ole Mid South days before Vince bought all the competition and ruined it. :thumb:
Thanks for your post rickyd but I would note it takes two to have a truce, no matter who initiates it. And I would add for those who don't know that I learned that rickyd's son just left for a second tour in Iraq. Hope all will remember him and all our troops in harm's way. I will truly refrain from getting involved in trash posts but if I backslide someone slap me in the face. I like a little smack as much as anyone but sometimes it can get out of hand. So as I said on WEN: Go AuburnTigers and Geaux :lsug: Tigers (just this once :hihi: )