Unlikely hero with the A&M batter getting pulled out with an injury with a 2-2 count and 2 men on and no one out. He's replaced and the new batter hits a double on the first pitch. Unbelievable.
A&M 3-1 in the top of the 7th inning. I am feeling damn good about this one. Anybody know if A&M has a great closer?
Man this coach is pretty stupid for A&M. You got to come in from Rampy instead of someone who has only 16 appearances for the season with a 4.50+ ERA. This is it. You gotta win this. What an idiot. And don't give me that lefty/lefty stuff....that's overblown and a bunch of bullcrap.
Well he got lucky that this mediocre pitcher didn't give up a double or home run, it came close. Coach is still an idiot for A&M.