Barack Hussien Obama gets ridiculed for reminding people to keep tires properly inflated then a Republican US Representative not only recommends checking tire inflation, but also this gem---eliminating drive thru windows. first "uppity" obamas, now this. the GOP needs to keep a close watch over Georgia Republicans.
people in washington need to let me drive my car in peace. you know what brings demand down for oil, the free market. that's why we didn't see $150 oil and right now we're hovering around $100....some of you laughed at me for saying that. PS: he's not getting press for it because he hasn't been in our face on TV for the last 2 years
Only goes to show that Demos do not have a monopoly on stupidity. But at least Kingston isn't running for president.
I think everyone is missing the point here. American's need to make an overall change in their philosophy toward energy use. The point is there are many things Americans can do that would make little or no impact to our quantity of life, to substantially decrease energy usage. No one is trying to make the claim that removing drive-thrus or inflating tires is going to solve the energy crisis. It's an overall mentality that energy is scarce and conserve whenever possible. The problem is most people in this country are lazy and not willing to actually think for themselves and finding out what the candidates are really about. They just see a quote from Obama saying "infate your tires" and think he means that's the answer to eliminating our dependency foreign oil. :rolleye33: Why is everyone is so damn interested in the crap that doesn't mean anything? Like who gives a crap if Palin uses a Yahoo account or tells a bad lipstick joke?
obama telling people to inflate their tires is good. a legislator wanting to get rid of drive-thrus is bad---the market should determine that. its not like obama was saying he's going to dispatch tire pressure police. i dont really care about the palin yahoo thing, but evidently her using it for government business may have been illegal.
True , but it doesn't change your primary motivation which is to slam repubs and ignore idiot dems. While inflating tires is proper, it is not the answer to our energy problems and for awhile this summer, that is all Obama offered. Context is important. Completely untrue. It is not illegal for her to have used it for business purposes, but it would be unethical since those records are not public and cannot be subpoenaed. However no state business has been submitted so suggesting even unethical use is pure supposition on your part. Where is that smokin' gun? However, it does help the dems distract from the real illegal activity here, the fact that her private email was hacked and displayed online. What juicy kernels did they offer up? Pictures of her family and the cell phone number of her daughter. But since you said her daughter was fair game in another thread, I can see why this would not bother you one bit. Now it turns out that a Tenn state senator's son is being questioned. Shocker, he is a democrat. Yes, the people are certainly interested in her ability to lead aren't they?
Well maybe she should cooperate like she promised to before and stop acting as if she has something to had. The best way for this to go away and not giving people something to talk about is to be transparent, especially when no one really knows much about her yet.
Personally I agree with this as the govt emails have been made available and show no wrongdoing, and actually show repeated insubordination on the part of the commissioner. I believe she should just get it out the way. However, considering the nature of the personal, partisan attacks on her and her family, I can also understand why the McCain campaign probably regards this as a distraction and just an attempt to smear her. It's another opportunity for more sound bites, and more smears on the part of dems. Who will the radicals go after next? Her sister and nephew? Post their cell #'s online? It's gotten pretty out of hand. I happen to think it is the wrong strategy, but let's not deny the real purpose of this inquiry. It's purely political. More than likely they will have to go, and each day dealing with this is a day she cannot campaign, and a day that gets people thinking she is corrupt. It won't matter what is ultimately found to be true, the media will slant it negative and we both know the majority of the country only reads headlines. It's too bad cause that rampant ignorance is the reason politics are so ugly. You run for office and you are eventually forced to pander to the mob.
Why exactly is Obama's idea good and Kingston's bad? :huh: He's not saying that drive-through windows should be banned anymore than Obama is advocating "pressure police". Both man were offering energy saving "ideas". I guess any idea that comes from the opposing side is bad.:dis:
Yes, it is. :grin: You remember that Obama was not addressing a question about "the the answer to our energy problems". The question was "What can ordinary citizens do to help conserve energy". Obama's answer, in context, was correct and reasonable. Democrat haters try to twist into something else, but we are not fooled.