Texas A&M to announce move to SEC on Wednesday | Big 12 | Sports News and Videos on the Dalla... Announcement reportedly expected today.
Bets on how long it takes the aggies to chant S-E-C? You know it won't take them long. I kind of hope next decade. Unless they beat Texas.
Bob Stoops, WOW! Why do I get the feeling that this is all about sticking it to Texas and their Longhorn network?
I'm thinking our conferences are going to become even richer. Adding Oklahoma and Oklahoma State to the PAC would be great. Pretty sure that I don't want Texas to live in our house though. PAC needs two more though, But who,..Kansas?....?
Such a shame that the first domino to fall before 16 team superconferences involved the SEC. I'm not a fan of super conferences because you will go years without playing many of the teams in your own conference. Silly. In the end, the big loser here will be Texas I think. They should have shared the LHN with A&M to solidify the Big 12. Unfortunately, when they shut them out, this all became inevitable.
It's going to mean fewer conference championships and fewer national championships for your team and mine. It gives lesser conferences an equal shot.
Oh I know Red. Trust me I know. The scenarios and consequences of said scenarios have been discussed to death on TF's. I'm all for a playoff if and only if the conferences eligible for the playoff system brings the level of difficulty of their regular season schedule more on par with the SEC. If that is done then I have no problem with a playoff system. Not saying I like it and am for it. But if change is inevitable and this IS where we're headed then I'd like the regular season schedules of all conferences involved made as equally competitive as the SEC's.