LA Mayorial candidate Gina Viola. Clownifornia is falling into the Pacific like the movie 2012.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
That little boy who is running Canada in 2 days bans guns making Canadians defenseless against criminals he then wants to legalize cocaine and meth. So they will have coked and methed up criminals who won't obey gun laws. Oh Canada what could possible go wrong there.
OUCH! You go girl. Rep Lauren Boebert goes sling blade on Biden I love this girl.
Crystal meth and fentanyl are now legal in Canada self defense is illegal. Canadians are turning into a bunch of pussies. Been there many times thought they were tough proud people. How long will they allow that little boy run that beautiful country?
NO RIGHT OR AMENDMENT IS ABSOLUTE. Everyone of the first 10 amendments has limitations. The first amendment has multiple restrictions. The second amendment has historically had limitations (machine guns, local limits on. Shotgun magazine capacity etcetera). The debate is on the range of the limitations.