Well since our friends over in Lafayette can't decide on a name I think we should change their name again. I am taking inspiration from IUPUI(Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis). ULL shall now be known as LSULTL(Louisisiana State University Lousiiana Tech University at Lafayette). I figure either that one or we really piss them off and change it LSUL.
A school as silly as ULL should never bear a part of the LSU name, even if it is embarassing for them....
ULL should just be the University of Louisiana. Everyone else has a university thats just University of (State name) and then (State name) State University.
ULL is not the flagship of that system. I am sure the other UL schools would like that title as well.
Here's a link to a previous thread on the subject: http://www.tigerforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1392&perpage=15&highlight=ULL&pagenumber=2
How about they change their name to the school formally known as University of Louisiana Laffyette. Then later on they could end up like Prince the recording artist did and just use a symbol for their school name.