I am amazed how efficient David Greene was in the game. Question for all the statisticians out there. Has any other QB in COLLEGE FOOTBALL HISTORY thrown five TD passes while completing only 10 passes for the entire game? Just curious. That stat just blows me away.
I dont know if anyone has had that percentage of passes for TDs before, but Greene did have the benefit of starting with good field position most of the game...throwing a TD pass is a little easier on a short field.
If I'm not mistaken 4 of them were over 20 yards though. But yeah we got great field position all day with our D delivering the big hits.
Greene was frickin' awesome. Those guys were covered most of the time and he just laid the ball right where he needed to. I was totally impressed. Reminded me of the time that (I believe) Tee Martin and Kelly Washington put on a clinic. I'm glad I had the sound down and listened to Hawthorne. Looked lke there was some serious Pollack-turbation going on.
Yeah. Pollack seems to be a class guy also. You could tell he was asking Big Ben how his knee was after the game. During that play on the playback when Ben went down Pollack paused for a moment to look down at Ben then continued with his pursuit. He seemed momentarily concerned for Ben while the play was going on. Class guy.