How many games will the gumps win this year, how are the wheels holding up on the famous trailer and do you see bama bowling?
8 or 9 wins. A solid bowl game, maybe Chick fil a, we'll have to see. Bama fans just want to see the team get better as the year goes along. It's been a while since we've seen a team develope over the course of a season. I'm not a gump(whatever that is) but I have eaten at Bubba Gumps in Nawlins; disappointing to say the least. I was a tourist and I got trapped. :grin:
I can see Bama winning seven maybe eight. Nine wins is a stretch. Gotta to give it ya on recruiting though. Saban is putting together a hellofa class.
I don't disagree with this exactly...I think it's certainly possible. But 6-7 wins is also possible. Just depends on how you guys make it through September. FSU and Jawga are huge, as well as the Hogs. Last season, I would say ya'll lose all 3...this season, it remains to be seen on all 3.
Do you know what a forrest is? Maybe as in "Forrest Gump." Really is a good movie. You ought to rent it sometimes.LSU!
After September I might have to adjust my thinking on what would be a successful season. 6 or 7 wins is maybe more likely than 8 or 9, but then again I am an Alabama fan, and we're not exactly known for our Steinbeckian realism. :yelwink2:
Bama is a cinch for seven wins. Eight is entirely possible and nine a lesser possibility. I don't see double digits for Bama this year, but I don't see a stumble either. It's cold in Memphis in December, but Bama will likely go bowling.
8 is my over/under, could be 7, with a few good bounces, could be 9. Nick(I'll always be a Tiger) Saban can coach, and bama will make less mistakes than last year, they'll be better, but in the SEC, good fortune, injuries, and officiating make no. of wins hard to call for anyone (us included)