This will be my first year attending. Drinks & food are free, but I've heard that in years past the food went quickly...
I wll miss not going this year. Will be on a hike in Texas. I will keep in touch with my cousin by cell in order to keep abreast of developments.
food does go quickly but a lot of different vendors are there so one thing may run out but there are other places to go to. as long as you hit it at the right time you're good. having it at the river center was alot better than the argosy atrium. i can't wait...
another question: can i get a ticket at the door, or do i have to get one in advance? i am trying my best to fenagle a get away to come down for it, but i won't know until right before if i can make it. where can i find information online about the event?
Hey Okie, Its $35 in advance or $40 at the door. Here is the flyer:
I highly reccomend anyone to go. It is one of the best events of the year, and I have been going since I was in college(95). One year the bear ran pretty quick, but last year it seemed by far the best organized with plenty of food and they never ran out of bear. They are some cool vendors where you can buy tiger merchandise anything from shirts to some nice framed prints. Miles usually arrives around 6:00 to break down the class
Is it pretty much the same type of event as the Taste of Tiger Tailgaiting at the River Center last year? I was completely disappointed in that. Beer was served, but you could only get 3oz at a time. Then get back in line if you wanted more. I was told that was the limit they could serve at one time due to some kind of fee they would have incurred from the River Center (some sort of cork fee I suppose). And it seemed every damn food vendor served crawfish etouffee. Anyways, I hope this Recruiting Bash is a better planned event.
never been to "taste" but at the bash you get 12 oz plastic bottles of bud products (i think). but i think only one at a time. :bncry: but that's much better than 3 oz at a time:cuss: