for the previous record for most users online at one time was 191 back in October of 2002.. Today the record was broken..the new record is... 325 on 09-16-2003 at 03:10 PM Thanks Brett for providing us with this great LSU Forum!!!
I'll second that! Also, these unregistered/guests to the board need to register and start posting. It only takes a minute, and then they can join in the conversation. I always feel the more the merrier.
Scott...are you aware of when this increase began? Has it been over the last few weeks? I'm quite interested in knowing when the spike began... Good to know...and glad that there are so many out there who devour LSU sports info like we do!
The growth of TigerForums has been booming in the past six months....brett might have some numbers for us (number of new members per day, month)...But for the most part the word has just spread by members of this forum, and everyone is partially responsible for the growth of TF.. But 99% of the credit should go to Brett, for creating the "Best LSU Fan Forum on the Internet" I have also noticed some of the "Lair" members have started coming over here (can't blame them), has something gone wrong with the Lair, or are yall just making your rounds???
While I'll refrain from publicly saying anything negative for the most part, the site has had its issues. I met MANY friends, and spent countless enjoyable hours there. Some would say I've had my own issues, but I am the same person I was when I found the site 4+ years ago. In other words, I haven't changed... Which leaves on other factor for change...and I'll leave it at that. The first wave of renewals came and went late last week...It marked the first anniversary of the move towards a pay-format...
It's hard to say about the growth. We've been steadily growing since we came online in August, 2001. Almost every month since has seen an increase in members over the previous month. We obviously saw a spike when the Lair went pay. There have been some other factors that have caused an increase as well. We had a big jump in membership in June and July and naturally the start of football season has caused a huge jump. I do think the huge spike in visitors we had today was due to TE's Pollack post making the rounds on the Georgia boards.
Well......You could say that. I have received over 50 emails from members of the lair who are not happy with one of the owners attitude. It went from his Baby when it was free board to a business when it became a paysite. Some guys can't cut it in business. There is a right and wrong way to handle your customers. He does not even respond to emails when he gives you his word. I have met alot of great people from the Lair. Many are my friends. I can see why his posts about his transmission and seatbelt can get old for paying members. I hope he continues to "shake that can" to the best of his ability.
I kind of like my surroundings myself...but no need for reacharounds...we've all seen Full Metal Jacket...