I'm not gonna hop on this bandwagon unless there's actually a competent replacement for her. Being that this is still Louisiana, that's doubtful.
I agree somewhat. I'd wait for the next election and hope Jindal gets back in. To me, if Jindal will not run next election, I'm for the recall now. Get her out and embarass her ass like she did us.....babbling on TV, about to cry like Edith Bunker.
Don't see any reason for Jindal to run again. He'll have more power working in Washington than in BR.
Anyone know if there would be a special election for Governor if she was recalled or would the Lt Gov, Mitch Landrieu, take over till the next election? I'd rather have Blanco in office over Landrieu...
Recall is not the way to go at this point. Let's see what happens over the next couple of years. If there is no improvement in the recovery, if she decides to go with "business as usual" regarding the levee boards, if we have not begun to move forward in canal and coastline issues, then vote her out.
This picture off that website is one of her: The local news interviewed her. That website photo looks a LOT better than the way she looked on tv. I wonder who would win the ugliest woman award out of her and Blanco?
Ahhh time to be serious... Now is the time to rally behind Blanco <feed her ideas of the proper things to do>. Louisiana can not afford a recall at this time in my opinion because it would only hurt the national perception of the state. Like it or not (don't like it at all here), Blanco is the figurehead that the country knows now and is the one we must rely on to move forward. The less political turmoil we have right now, the better.
A recall would put the Lt. Governor in charge, right. Who the hell is the Lt. Governor--Mary Landrieu's brother. No way is the GOP going to set up Mitch Landrieu to be an incumbent in the next election--they want to run against Blanco. The GOP will prefer to just let her finish her term. She won't be reelected anyway and it is a lot easier and involves less political warfare.
A recall would open the door for a special election. The only way stupid boy (Mitch) would take over is if we impeached her.