Read this BS from Beaver town

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by tiger_will, Sep 9, 2004.

  1. tiger_will

    tiger_will Founding Member

    Sep 29, 2003
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  2. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    What in that article did he say that wasn't true? There is a reporter there asking him questions and he is giving honest answers. Look at the local papers here and you see 90% of the talk is still about the Beavers. It's time for both teams to move on but if a player from either team is asked a question they should be able to give their honest opinion. Even Saban said he is treating the game as a loss and it sure felt like one. The unranked Beavers came into the #3 team in the nations stadium and slapped em around for most of the game and should have won. Nothing he said in the article should make Tiger fans mad, the performance of the team last week is what should make the coaches, players and fans mad.:geaux: :lsug:
  3. Swerved

    Swerved It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    Nov 24, 2003
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    I have to agree with Twisted on this one. Everything they said was true (The truth hurts.. or at least stings a little).... But I don't like the comparison of this year's team to last year's USC.... Not a valid one in my opinion... now, after they play USC again, they can make that comparison. But that's just me....
  4. G_MAN113

    G_MAN113 Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    "With just one extra point, the Pac-10 would have improved to 7-1 vs. the SEC since 2000."

    Meaning that the SEC is 2-6 against the PAC-10 since 2000. Anybody care to guess which school has the 2 wins (against 0 losses I might add)?
  5. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    You cant compare LSU now to USC in november by how they play oregon state... though all of the media and pac-10ers will
  6. CalcoTiger

    CalcoTiger Live Long and Prosper IVI

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Why does everyone keep comparing this years team to last years team. Everyone has people that graduate. USC does not have the same team, Oregon State does not have the same team.

    Why would playing this team be a comparison to playing a team with Matt Mauck, Michael Clayton, Chad Lavalais, Devery Henderson, Stephan Peterman etc, etc.

    This is not the same team as last year. Are we the only team being held to our last year Team?

    Then we should be allowed to bring those players back to play the Oregon State,s so it will be a fair comparison.

    This player showed the ingnorance and the media is playing it up to be on USC side.

    The Pac 10 is just as weak this year it just so happenned that they caught our team in the first game on a wet surface and lets face it we have some young players that are going to mature. Ill take last years team and play USC, Oregon State and any other team they want us to play in consecutive days and whip all their asses.

    Geaux LSU Tigers
  7. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    This is true but unfortunately it will have an effect on the national perception about how strong the SEC is and how supposedly weak the PAC 10 is. It will sort itself out over the course of the season but for now, those ballyhoo'ing about USuCks cupcake schedule will be made to look foolish trying to hammer this point home to the media.

    Time to take a break from that constant drum beat we see often from our fans and SEC fans in general.
  8. DeepPurple

    DeepPurple Founding Member

    May 29, 2004
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    The OSU fans are class. The team has sour grapes
  9. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    That article does not bother me at all, but it's stupid to compare teams from a year ago with this team. You can come up with every reason you can about why the Tigers did'nt perform well and the bottom line is this is not last years team. **** the field conditions, the bullseye...etc.
    New year-New team :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  10. Swerved

    Swerved It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Well, also OSU is going to say USC was tougher last year also because they want their conference to look better as well.. I mean hell, ask Auburn (Who played both USC and LSU last year) how the comparison was... they'll tell you LSU was in a whole different league... I try to ignore comparisons like that... The interesting thing will be when OSU actually plays USC in a few weeks. Provided they bring the same level of competition they had with them at Death Valley.

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