Anyone remember the Fresno St. game last year? I rained cats and dogs...(there's irony in there somewhere) right up 'til gametime...then settled down just in time for kickoff, and not another drop fell after that. I think there's something to it, myself.:hihi:
That was the wierdest day. With the constant rain, we ended up drinking/eating at the Pastime all day and traded tickets to help out a friend (we had more together). As we were loading the shuttle about 45 minutes before kickoff, we saw a guy get hit by a car really hard and it looked bad (heard later he recovered). The shuttles were rightfully suspended so we drove there and walked awhile to the stadium. The downpour held off until we got inside and the seats that we traded for were magically one row back from getting wet (overhang). When they made the announcement that the game was suspended but you could leave the stadium, one of our "true" friends :thumb: ran to the little store on Nicholson to re-fill the 2 flasks. He tried to get someone to go with him but we all just felt lucky to be in those seats and wouldn't budge. I never have a pancho/umbrella and usually just get really wet but don't think a rain drop got me that day. The Sugar sweet finish to the season capped off a crazy, magical (hopefully more than once in a lifetime:crystal: ) year.
Okay lets get something straight here. It does rain in Tiger Stadium. IT NEVER RAINS IN TIGER STADIUM ON SATURDAY NIGHTS !!!. Carry on.
Big Herm is a good nickname although not sure if it's a 'Friday' reference. "Biggest baby" would be a good nickname as a play on Glenn Davis.
Nope, that was Rondell Mealey, Faulk's back up. He ran for over 200 yards that game when Faulk went down. btw, it's the overall design that's disgusting. There is some potential in those colors. Would be nice if we would wear them for one OOC game per season, as was suggested.
I'll pretend like I didn't read item #1. In regards to item #2, your chances of sneaking whiskey into the stadium increase 99% if you are a woman and place a few -- ah -- feminine itmes on top of all the stuff in your purse.
I'm pretty sure that Rondell Mealey was not white and did wear the number 7. The guy carrying the ball is 43 and white... hmm...:grin: