Birmingham, Alabama shall be SMOTE by the wrath of the TIGER. Stabbed in the back by our OWN CONFERENCE AP WRITERS. Hope ... yes ... but your own SEC writers ... too blinded by their hate of LSU. These writers must be condemned to a BLITZ CAMPAIGN OF NIGHTMARISH PROPORTIONS. What say ye?
Screw em Make them sons of B's change their email addresses. The ones that said they would have changed but now because of the emails they will not are full of it email them SONS OF B'S TILL THE CHANGE THEIR EMIAL ADDRESS.:cuss:
"I might have considered doing this (voting the Tigers No. 2) if LSU had won," Peeler said, "had I not been inundated with e-mails from LSU fans telling me that I should do so and that I would be stupid if I didn't. "Bottom line is, I've had USC ranked ahead of LSU all season long. Even if LSU wins, I would probably keep it that way."
That's such bullshit. As someone said on the Sportsreports, "I want to see USC for their pagentry. I want to see the golden chariot circling the field." I am more and more getting the feeling that some people have USC at number 2 because their USC...
the only question I have is how can 2 voters have LSU behind Michigan. These voters should be stripped of their voting status and publicly ridiculed for being stupid. $100 says they are northern writers
Careful when considering taking major campaigns if they don't vote us No. 2. We are going to be counting on these people again next year (right or wrong).