Questions for LSU fans

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Aubie16, Oct 10, 2005.

  1. Aubie16

    Aubie16 Founding Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    Me and a bunch of friends are coming into town for the Auburn-LSU game so I wanted to ask you guys a few things and maybe get some suggestions...

    We don't have tickets yet, because we are juniors and LSU tickets sold out to seniors, and we were only able to get Kentucky and Arkansas...are there usually a lot of scalpers around the stadium before the game? or is there somewhere else they seem to congregate? We would like to buy tickets, and have been saving up money to do so. How much do you think we would pay?

    We have gotten hold of an RV we can use for the weekend. Where would you park the RV? I know in Auburn we have season pass lots, but a little further way from the stadium (still walking distance) we have a free lot that anybody can use if they have an RV. Does LSU have one of these? Or is there a lot we can pay to use for just the night without having a season pass? If not, is there a Wal-Mart near campus that we can park it at?

    I'm sure i'll be back with other questions...but thanks for any help u can give me. LSU will be one of the last SEC venues i've been to.
  2. Crip*TEAM KATT

    Crip*TEAM KATT As Wild As We Wanna Be

    Nov 24, 2003
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    As far as getting a ticket, you shouldnt have a problem.

    Yeah they have sellers selling tickets around the stadium mostly, but they do walk around campus also. You can always just walk around holding up your fingers to represent the number of tickets you need.

    The RVs I have no idea where opp. fans can park em. You might try the website they might have what your looking for there.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Scalpers can be found all over campus, mostly near the stadium, but the biggest congregation of them is between the Tiger cage and up the hill to the indian mounds. There are tickets available most games.

    Walk with your fingers up, many season ticket holders sometimes have spares. A good friend of mine has had success with standing right by the entrance gates to the good seats between the 40 yard lines and just asking if people have any spare tickets. Some rich ticket holders won't be bothered with trying to sell their spare ticket but will pull it out if someone asks. Sometimes he is even given one free.

    Don't count on any free ones if you are wearing orange, but you might buy some good seats.

    There is a game weekend pay RV lot not too far from the stadium ($100 bucks, I hear). There are several large store parking lots near campus including an abandoned Wal-Mart on Perkins Road. Not walking distance, though.

    Local RV parks are: here
  4. Goldmember

    Goldmember Founding Member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    X-175 is a pay per game lot at the corner of Nicholson Extension and Highland but you'd better get there early. There is a new motorhome lot across from the Vet school on Skip Bertman Drive but I'm not sure if it's pat per game. Try the link for more parking info.
  5. Geaux Girl

    Geaux Girl Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Some people park their rvs at the BREC Farr Horse Park on the River Road. IT's not too far from the campus. Their is a sign on the levee and you pay in the barn. It is a horse barn and training/lessons facility with stables. They also have hook ups for RVs.
    Good luck and don't burn our barn. Wasn't there a barn burning in our collective histories?

  6. Berge

    Berge Founding Member

    Aug 8, 2004
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    That wasn't an RV parking for UT.. I know this because the band practices in the IFF on gameday and we park in that lot for practice. When we left I do not remember any kind of RVs in there... I could be wrong though...
  7. MFn G I M P

    MFn G I M P Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    You'll have to ask Ramah about the barn burning. :rofl:

  8. Geaux Girl

    Geaux Girl Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Wow! Is That true? I have read much about this mysterious guy named Ramah. I know people are always wondering if he is posting under a didfferent name. So, I don't know if he was the type to make stuff up or was that true?
    Gullible Girl:redface:
  9. JVincent25

    JVincent25 Founding Member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    Of course it is true. It is ramah, he once beat the **** out of Bill Brasky.
  10. Purple Jungle

    Purple Jungle Founding Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    I heard ramah took down ditka once. blasphemy, i know.

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