For some reason the following questions about Tiger Stadium have always bugged me... Anyone know the answers? 1. Why are the East and West uppers different in size, shape, capacity, etc? 2. Why does the East upper have all those ramps sticking out the side but the West doesn't? 3. Why does the East upper dog leg partly around the South endzone but not the North endzone? 4. Are there any plans (is it even structurally possible?) to wrap the uppers around the entire stadium? 5. Could LSU sell out a stadium that big like it does now? 6. Are there any expansion plans at all? 7. When did they change from dorms to office space in TS?
1) made at different times is my guess... they wanted to optimize the number of seats in the new section... also the old one has the press box 2) probably another way to optimize seating/sales... 3)again, probably seating 4) I've heard rumors of it and I wouldnt be surprised 5) oh yeah 6) like I said, im pretty sure there have been rumors 7) oh wow, good question?
The west deck was demolished so that it could match the east. At one they were not the same but now they are closer to equal. The powers that be say there are no plans to close the south endzone...:hihi: Ummm...right.:wink: The dorms have been gone for at least 10 years now. Not sure of the real reason,
I wish they would close one of the endzones. More fans and easier to get tickets... can't beat that. Wasn't the reason that there were dorms in TS b/c the state had allocated money for academics but they wanted to close the endzones so they just made a dorm there and put the seats on top and wrote it off as an academic expense? at least that's what I've heard.
Well, the new upper deck is facing the main street and it is being done in a way that is going to look nice when viewed. Already starting to see the progress on this when I go to basketball games.
I don't think we could consistantly sell out if they closed in the endzones. Maybe every now and then for a big game, but that's it. You never know though. I have nothing to base this on except the fact that we don't always sell out the way we have it now.
I have little doubt they could sell 20000 more tickets for each game, simply because the upperdeck endzone seats would be made the most affordable of in the stadium.. Also, you move alot of teh visitors up there and free up the lower section visitor seats.