You have to be a contributor in order to potentially have access to this information. A couple of people who had the info but couldn't keep quiet are wearing cement shoes and visiting one of Louisiana's many water bodies. Be careful what you ask for.
We will probably see some triple option and shotgun option. Probably not much in the first few games, but as the season goes on we will see it more.
There will be multiple looks as regards formations. Crowton will have the Tigers line up in the conventional run-oriented I formation as well as the more wide-open spread. A tight end will be used as one of the inside receivers in the four-wide sets. Look for LSU to run option out of the spread formation which was something Crowton has used in the past. The quarterback will do more designed running than in the past. The passing game will be built around getting the ball to the speedy skill-position players in space. *I sent you this in a pm but wasn't sure if you'd gotten it and saw you online so thought I'd post it here for you* :thumb: