In my bunker yes Well man up and get rid of your wealth of material things...... I have over 50 pairs of shoes, I should probably adhere to this Martinism as well.
Pack your shit up and go live on a beach somewhere. I swear if I didn't have a family I would strongly consider this. Not because I hate life but like you, I have so much shit I don't really need. I would like a retreat back to nothingness.
I hear ya dude. I have started refusing to own anything new and only using my money to buy plane tickets. A retreat back to nothingness would rule. This is a surprisingly popular opinion, I have found. We re so goddamned rich, I am sick of it. I hate everyone and everything because people care about such frivolous shit t all times. This is why fight club made so much money with its statement against consumerism.
You guys have no imagination. All you ever need is a magic lamp with three wishes. And what do you wish for on your last wish? More wishes.
Look, no one wants them to be right more than I do but alas the elephant in the room is; if the mayans are able to foresee the end of the world, why the hell could they not see the Spanish?
Shreveport, Monroe, Natchitoches, Mansfield, Hanyesville. It really is the best. story behind this business as well
are you good at guitar or drums? what kind of equipment do you have and what do you like best? whats the best way to get better without taking lessons?
I was good at bass guitar in the 70's, but I rarely play it anymore. It's definitely an ensemble instrument that you don't just sit around and play by yourself very often. I rarely play trumpet either, for the same reason. I still have the FPB, but I sold the big Peavy amp to the son of a former girlfriend a few years ago. I just use headphones or the Pignose now. Practice man, practice.