Is my computer smart enough to know that I was reading a thread about tea, and that's why the ad banner is showing this: Or did one of you see the ad and it reminded you to ask a question about tea? I really hope it's the latter.
What kind of coffee do you buy for your french press. I have one but have never used. I think I'm supposed to either grind my own beans or buy coarse ground beans. Is that common? Not sure why I ask, I have sworn off coffee and I feel so much better because of it. Drugs are the devil.
My coffee maker recently broke so I got one. I use pre ground but must be coarse or it fs up the filter. Anything non flavored.
You are falling into the trap that a chemical is worse because it comes from a lab. Natural chemicals are just as healthy or unhealthy as synthetic chemicals. Aspartame and sucralose are perfectly healthy. Green tea with organic honey is worse than diet coke because honey is the same as sugar.
couple a years ago my blood pressure was around 139/78. Pre hypertension. my grandmother told me to eat a bowl of oatmeal or cup of yogurt everyday. Had it check every year since, this year it was 125/74. Anybody ever heard of that.
That's not necessarily true. I agree ... healthy amounts of any chemical, natural or synthetic is harmless. Too much of either can be equally dangerous. But a cup of Green Tea with Honey is no worse for a heatlhy individual than a diet coke [now .. if you happen to be a diabetic, I'd agree with you .. but if you are a type II diabetic .. odds are you're obese and eat too damn much anyway]. Both Fructose and Glucose are natural sugars that your body has evolved to metabolize. In fact, your body makes it's own glucose when supply runs low in response to Glucagon released by the pancreas. Likewise .. Aspartame is safe as any other chemical in moderation. But you take the diet coke junkie who consumes a gallon or more per day, and in some susceptible individuals, it can lead to issues. This especailly holds true for people with Phenylkeoniurics. Our problem is that we eat too damn much of everything. A study conducted way back when, took rats and diet restricted them by 40%. They lived longer, were smarter, were resitant to cancer treatments, and outperformed their "fat rat" counterparts on every test ... except, durability test. That is the key .... stop eating so damn much .... OR you can adopt the Modern American Mentaltiy of eat all you want and take a pill to treat the consequences .. and of course, bitch about how much the medicine cost!