My father-in-law and I have been discussing former tiger greats, and he mentioned that he enjoyed watching Y.A. Tittle while he was with the N.Y. Giants. Is Y.A. Tittle still alive? Anyone know anything about him if he's alive? Thanks in advance. GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!
He was born in 1926. And I went to one web site which stated when he was born, but had no information on his death. My guess is that he is still living.
Y. A. Tittle is indeed still alive. His daughter wrote a book on him and his football career a few years ago. I think Tittle lives in California. He played for the 49ers for most of his career.
He's still out here living in the SF bay area. He played for the 49ers as well and I saw him at an open practice a couple of months ago. Geaux Tigers!!!!!!!!!!!1111
Y.A. Tittle indeed began his career with the 49ers but his "glory years" were with the New York Giants.
He was in Baton Rouge or New Orleans earlier this season attending induction ceremonies for the Louisiana Hall of Fame for one of his LSU teamates. I can't remember the teamates name.