Does anyone know how many rows are in the West Upper Deck? I think I remember someone saying 22, I thought there would be more than that.
Not sure about the West upper, but the East upper has around 30-32. I sat in row Z last year, and there was a few rows left to go up.
i sat in the west upper deck once when i was young. you couldn't hear the band and it didn't feel like you were part of the stadium. i've sat in the south endzone ever since... my question is: can you hear the band in the east upper deck? i'd think you could because you're sitting somewhat opposite of the band but then again your not actually in the lower bowl.
Yeah you can hear them. No where near as goos as my dad's seat on the east sideline of the lower bowl, but they still sound pretty good from up there. Not to mention, from up there, you have a great view of the river, the I-10 bridge, Houston, St. Louis, Atlanta and if you glance down an occasional cloud or two.
If the top row is the same as before they rebuilt it I think it's like row HH (was 34 rows) or something. I actually used to sit on FF (2 from the top) for the 2004 season. Not sure about since the rebuild.. It was quite the view... lol
my exact thoughts. we sat there for that cold ass ND game long ago and never have since. felt like we were in another universe and no part of the stadium. if you cannot hear the band it just totally sucks. not making that mistake again. on the road if theres a way to sit in front of the band its pretty awesome. takes some serious planning though.
need more love for all 92 grand in the stadium. Although i was lucky enough to be in the new box section on the west side for a game, IMO there is nothing like being in the student section for a game!!