One key difference is that the women's game will sacrifice its integrity for the sake of a career points record by giving away a free layup. Please chime in if you remember this...I think it was at UConn a few years ago. At that point, women's basketball seemed to be nothing more than bowling or darts.
mine wasnt, I really meant it literally. my dad coached semi-women's sports for years. :thumb: :thumb:
The one thing that I do like about the Women's game is that when one team is behind by 10 points with 10 seconds left, they will just dribble and let the clock run out. No senseless fouling when there is no way at all to win. (see LSU vs. UT)
Want to name the several hundred integrity issues the men's game has had in the past 10 years or so? I don't think I would knock the women's game over what 2 teams conspired to do.