I've been sitting back reading posts since Saturday and I have a few observations about this forum. There seems to be 3 distinct groups of posters. Group one we'll call CHEERLEADERS(not a negative designation): These people feel that LSU can do no wrong. These are the "Win is a Win" group. These people feel that we should question nothing about coaching decisions, that we should not comment on anything negatively. If concerns are voiced about coaching decisions or about player performance then people are bitching about a win and should just be happy we won. Group two we'll call the OBJECTIVE group: These are the people who want to DISCUSS the game objectively, give OPINIONS about coaching and players and generally talk about all the nuances of each game. These people want to voice concerns about LSU football in a rational manner and find out how others on the board feel about how the team played and how the coaches coached. Group three we'll call the PESSIMISTS(Not a negative designation either, just the way it is): This group is never happy even after a win. Seeking the opportunity to find any area that the team underperformed and concentrating on it to an extreme degree, these posters are true fans but feel better about pointing out every fault or mistake in a game. So the cheerleaders and the pessimits are on either extreme end with the objectives falling somewhere in the middle. I see heated discussions taking place (which aren't all bad, they keep the blood flowing) when people from each group interact on the same threads. Some people start a thread when all they want to do is discuss the game in a rational honest objective way and there are posters from the other two groups who interject and make their comments. Conversely, some people start threads to enjoy the win with other Tiger fans and revel in the fact that we won and how great it is to be a Tiger fan. Also, some people start threads to point out the negatives of the Tiger's performance. I enjoy posting on threads by all three groups. I think maybe if everyone was a little more sensitive to each group it might help with some of the conflict between posters. I myself have probably over-reacted to posters who disagreed with me so I understand how it is. Sorry this was so long but this was just my observation of the posts. I invite any comments agreeing or disagreeing.
I would say I'm about halfway between the "Cheerleaders" and the "Objectives". I am the person that basically says, BE HAPPY WE WON! but I can also see that some plays and calls are bad/stupid and should NOT have happened even when they don't favor us. In general though, I'm just happy when we win, really no matter how it happens.
I'm certainly in the objective group. But that's my general personality, except when the brown devil gets a hold of me.
I feel I'm a pretty objective poster, however I do lean to the cheerleader side from time to time just because I try to be an optimist in tough or grim situations... Gotta keep the "Negative Nancys" at bay sometimes... I can't stand for someone to take apart a thrilling football game for the sake of focusing on what's "wrong" with how we won... I dunno, could be me but I'd find it boring to win every game 100-0 with no penalties, turnovers, or incompletions.
one of the reasons that I've always enjoyed visiting TF is because of the unique culture that brett has provided here. The respectfulness shown one another by so many diverse participants has allowed this board to thrive where many others seem to fall short. Many of the boards I routinely visit have the three groups you've defined, but rarely are they as football oriented and civil as they are here. I've always enjoyed the LSU program, and I wouldn't consider the other LSU forums I've seen. Good stuff you've got here, so you should appreciate and be proud of it. I hope to be in position to be a TF contributor again soon. Over on the ITAT board, the topic volume and large number of participants often lead to a lot of discussion, but you have to sift through a lot chaff to find a kernel of wheat - "wheat," meaning quality football discussion. TF's pace lends itself well to in-depth, quality discussions where the give-and-take between these diverse groups ends up being more conversational and, at times, educational.
ill disagree. for the most part, and the reason i like this forum, is everyone can play all three roles. sure people complain when we are down and are somewhat delusional when we are up, but for the most part everyone can see all sides of the situation...except for martin who is oblivious to the future and cant post due to it. football season/tigers den is not a time/place to gauge the posters here.
Does this mean we are all either Democrats or Republicans or Independents and is there a connection? Does it have something to do with how our parents raised us? Is it the result of one group having a healthier diet than the other? Does it mean one group is more prone to acts of kindness or violence than the other?:shock: Oh, sorry, I forgot, this is just the internet, not my shrinkâs office. Never mind.