Boy the game of football has gotten much more complicated than when I played in HS (1980-1982). I have a question about some of the signals Mauk uses with the receivers. Mauk will "point out" with both hands towards the receivers and the receivers will point back. I'm sure it has something to do with the defensive coverage that has lined up and / or changing the route the receiver is to run. Does anyone know ?
Let's hope not. If we told you, we'd have to slit your throat. When teams figure out these audibles based on formation, signals and film review, they shut you down. LSU has mixed things up for opposing teams pretty damn good this year. I could usually predict the play based on formation and signals last few years when I made the August practices as a Gridironclub member (booster). This year, I can't do it with any degree of consistency and that includes watching film of the games. They're damn better this year than past.
It might mean something but half of the time when Mauck points it ends up being a running play. So maybe he is pointing out who the WR should block.
It's all about "hot routes". But just like baseball signals, there's always an "indicator" sign. The indicator sign, more so than not, changes with each game. The receivers pointing back is nothing more than a "I understand" gesture.
Thanks. Glad to see that I was at least in the ballpark ... errr ... stadium. No slit throat please !
Someone asked Hodson that when he was QB in 1987. He said he was pointing out the uncovered defensive man for the benefit of the running back in case a blitz was on. He and Wendell Davis often instinctively checked off to the vacated inside zone without signals when the blitz was on, it was amazing the chemistry those two had. But that was 16 years ago, it may be a different signal now.
No No No, Macuk is saying "look, up there, a hot chick." and when they point back it means "I'd hit it"
Pointer signals When Tater Tot was at Auburn, and Jimbo was QB coach, they used similiar signals. I think then it was a sign of the blocking, because when Nix or Craig did it, it was always a running play. Jimbo probably has changed that after seeing the trend on tape. Still, it is very indicative of the Bowden offense that Jimbo learned as a QB for Terry at Samford. Watch FSU & UGA; I think they do the same thing. All part of the Bobby Bowden influence. GEAUX TIGERS