I got my property tax notice in the mail this weekend....... and those folks owe me money. I have escrowed in excess of 2,500 dollars. The value of my house has fallen faster than Randy Moss' stock in the draft. The killing part of all of this is, I live in a neighborhood that was rated top 10 in the US to raise kids, quality of schools, and property value.... And this was earlier this year. Now im depressed....:dis:
Just go to the courthouse and convince them your house is worth more and you want to pay more taxes. Problem solved.:grin: But seriously, the good news is, your taxes have been adjusted. The real problem comes when you've had a major downnturn and then you have to dispute your overinflated tax bill. That's a pain.
just got mine too. no change. in appraised value, that is. screwy republicans decided to increase state property taxes by dropping the homestead exemption.
That is awesome. Now all those jerks who used to vote for every property tax bill just because it didn't affect them will think twice.
As long as you're not trying to sell or refinance your house, Mastermind, you should just be happy your taxes aren't higher. The market should adjust itself in time. I'm fortunate that real estate has been pretty steady in Plano, with modest increases, but no decreases, in property value. My best friend lives just one town north of us, though, and she cannot refinance to take advantage of a much lower interest rate because her property value has dropped too much.
you are right, I refi last year, when the value was still modest. I am happy that my taxes are lower, however, I will keep my escrow payments at the same amount.