[FONT="]*snip* If the state was desirous of symbolizing its essence to the general public, I can think of no better monument for such ends than the erection of a giant statue in Washington, D.C., of Madeleine Albright. I envision a monolith – what better image? – taller than the Washington Monument, and more massive than the Pentagon, beneath which might be constructed an expressway to carry bureaucrats to and from their daily routines. Only the best sculptor should be retained for the job, one capable of capturing Ms. Albright’s characteristic expression of chronic malcontent. And in letters not cut into stone, but in the brightest of flashing neon, could be emblazoned her now famous words about the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children occasioned by the economic boycott she helped to create and enforce as Secretary of State. "The price is worth it" could flash on and off to inspire the political functionaries as they go about their assigned tasks of placing barriers in the paths of those who want nothing more than to enhance the quality of their lives. *snip* October 2, 2009 --[/FONT] Politics as a War Against Life by Butler Shaffer[FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="]Butler Shaffer teaches at the Southwestern University School of Law.[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT] Professor Shaffer's work is always thought-provoking. he certainly bullseyed Ms. Albright's charming countenance. tgsam
Blow the dust and cobwebs off of your Chicago Manual of Style* and learn about titles. Realize also that forums lack the features available with MS WORD. tgsam *Which reminds me that I need to replace the copy I lost to Katrina.
you are a weird dude. are you cutting and pasting things you have written in the past in msword? why else would the formatting matter?