I say that I don't have a problem at all with Terrorists or the Taliban being abused to save the lives of some innocent people. I don't think they deserve to be treated like human beings and are animals, what comes around goes around, they treated innocent civilians in Afghanistan like animals or worse. I never will forget watching some of the investigation shows on MSNBC when the Taliban were in charge, lining up people in a stadium and executing them like it was a sporting event with people in the stands. I also don't think they belong to any nation so as far as I'm concerned torture and kill them all and get all the information we can from them. I don't want these types of people in a court of law, I don't trust the justice system. It lets to many guilty people out sooner or later and too many innocent people die when they should still be alive. Perfect examples of this are OJ Simpson, no innocent person ever took off in a disguise headed for the airport or put a gun to thier head threatening to kill themselves and then say remember the old OJ! Second examples are the young girl in Florida that was abducted and murdered as well as the college girl recently found in Minnesota. There are too many examples of this in this country! I do think this gives some of the troops on trial some creditbility this could be system wide. Link:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4951668/
Yeah you're right Sourdough, old buddy. Let's be just like the people we're fighting. Hey, that way we can pullout of Iraq and not have to worry about Osama. Let's go even further and release Saddam and make him President. Sounds like a plan to me. Man, you never cease to amaze me!
What you fail to realize is people like the Taliban and terrorists would kill you the same way Nick Berg was killed and not think anything of it. They are extremists, radical religious fanatics. Its killed or be killed!
I saw a senator (from SC I believe) really hit the nail on the head - he basically stated - The good guys have to do the good things. This struck me as a wonderful, albeit simple, way of looking at things.