Preseason Rankings-Mark May and Andre Ware

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Cajun Sensation, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Forgive me if this was already posted, but I didn't see it anywhere. I was watching the Hula Bowl yesterday evening and Mark May and Andre Ware did an early preseason ranking of the top 10 and I forget the specifics but the meat-and-potatoes of it was that one picked Florida #1 and one picked USC #1 and both of them picked LSU #2.

    Mark May went on to say that LSU was "Loaded".:thumb:

    Mark May has really liked LSU and has expressed how good they are every time he gets a chance.

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