I haven't been to a game at Tiger Stadium in nearly 25 years but I am bringing my daughter to her first game at Tiger Stadium. We were visiting friends in Little Rock last year and we got to see the Tigers play the pigs there. That was her first LSU game, but it just isn't the same at another stadium. We had to sit right in the middle of a sea of red since we bought tickets on the street. She made me proud! I don't want her to miss any of the game day events. What time should we arrive on campus, what should we see and do? Where to park (coming in from Dallas through Lafayette into Baton Rouge)? What time does the Tiger Band march to the stadium? We can't wait. Geaux Tigers! Mark A. (Plano TX)
I would take the Acadian exit and take it to campus. Stay in the right lane. When you pass the lakes, the right lane will turn into West Lakeshore Drive. You can park in the area I have marked at the bottom center of the campus map with a red rectangle. It's a grassy area and after the game West Lakeshore is opened up with both lanes going outbound. You'd get out real quick and be back on I-10 in no time. It's about a 10 minute walk to the stadium. Enjoy the trip and the game!
I have a 7-year-old daughter and took her last year to her first game. We went to Mike the Tiger's cage for a visit...much nicer this year. Walked throught the quad to the Union for lunch. Walked back to the parade grounds and the memorial surrounding the flagpole and went inside the Campanile to say thanks to LSU veterans (my uncle and myself both were in ROTC at LSU). We walked back by the old Library and over to the Greek Theatre to show her where Dad lived in Pentagon. Then walked around visiting different tailgate spots, including stopping by the Touchdown Village area, which I understand this week Cowboy Mouth is suppose to be playing. But you must get her back to Victory Hill to see the Golden Band from Tiger Land prior to going into the stadium. Make sure you get into Tiger Stadium in time to see pregame and hear the alma mater and national anthem. My daughter loved every minute of it eventhough she tuckered out right after halftime. Doing a lot of this week will be difficult because of the 1:30 kickoff time for this game, so I suggest you choose the sites you think are the most important and hit those first.
I haven't ever been able to see any of the pregame stuff. At what time will the band come over the hill? Once that's done, do you recommend going into the stadium then?
DO NOT under any circumstances miss the band's pregame performance. I've been going to games since the mid '80s the band's routine never changes, but I get goose bumps with the first note every time.
Usually the band comes down Victory Hill about an hour and a half prior to kickoff. This being a 1:30 kickoff I'd say if you're there between 11:15 and 11:30 you should be okay. After the GBFTL performs is usually a great time to go into the stadium. By all means DO NOT MISS pregame it will give you goosebumps.
You should bake in 10 minutes to pull of at La. Exit 97, and head north about one mile to grab some boudin from Best Stop - arguably some of the best boudin in the state - and always a great reminder that that Tiger Stadium is only an hour away. http://www.lafayettetravel.com/tours/tours/boudin_trail.cfm
Try to get on the side of the street as the Stadium(not on the PMAC side) by the concession stand. When the band comes down the hill, they will stop and point their horns in that direction. If you don't get goose bumps, there's something seriously wrong with you. This is also senior day, so you may want to get in the stadium a little early as they introduce each senior individually and have their families on the field.
Thanks. I don't wanna be a wiennie or anything, but I'm afraid that pregrame is going to bring tears to my eyes in person b/c it already gives me goosebumps when I hear it on TV.